And it's 9:00 in the morning, and I'm still in pj's.
BUT, considering it is Hubbie's day off it seems like a good idea to let everyone sleep in so he can have a quiet morning.

And so, even though I am not yet dressed for the day, I HAVE spent time in the Word, AND sent a note to my accountability partner (good thing, since she reminded me the other day that I had not checked in for a couple days)

AND, considering a certain someone has a birthday today, I have cinnamon rolls in the oven for a breakfast treat.
Haaahhhhhhhhhh. (Deep breath, contented sigh)
Ahead of me today -- make my bed, have my second 'cuppa', fold the mountain of clean clothes on the couch, decorate a 9 year old's birthday cake, wrap birthday gifts and make the place look festive, scrub toilets, sweep floors, start the assembling/foundation decorating on grandson's birthday cake, call my oldest child (it's been a while since he's checked in, so this ol' mom will be nosy and find out what's been happening), find a recipe for garden pizza (Gabe wants broccoli on his pizza tonight -- WHAT!?!?), send special birthday wishes to a special friend (Happy Birthday, DG!) and enjoy my day and my family.

Oh, yeah - get dressed is on that list somewhere. Guess I better get started!