We have just celebrated the birth of our L!
Ok, we are gearing up to celebrate the birth of our Lord, as well, but 16 years ago yesterday L was born. What a wonderful Christmas it was that year. We brought home a newborn babe on Christmas Day! He was wrapped up with a great big red velvet bow. 16 years later he isn’t so keen on this type of adornment, but we did deck the dining room with streamers and balloons – birthday stuff, not Christmas stuff. He is such a good sport. Some years his birthday celebration gets lost in all the Christmas Craziness, but I do enjoy stopping a few moments to relive his arrival and beginnings.

L was the baby for 8 years. Wow! Now look at him! He informed me when he was 2 that he was NOT my baby, NOT the Little Brother. I think an angel had whispered in his ear, and I should have listened. He’s now the big brother to 4. And a really terrific big brother at that!