Yes, the Queen has celebrated another birthday! 8 years old. My, oh my, the years have gone by so quickly. In this family, birthdays are traditionally on the simple side – family gathers around, birthday girl chooses the menu for the day, a few streamers and balloons. Gifts, reminiscing, cake and ice cream always make for a happy birthday. We have never had a ‘real’ birthday party for E yet. But this year, because her birthday fell on a Sunday, it was an easy thing for me to plan.

And so, the Queen had tea with a few of her closest friends to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Fancy dresses, high heels, floppy hats, beads and baubles were the fashion that day.

Mint Tea, Orange Spice Tea, chocolates and a TeaPot-shaped birthday cake were on the menu.

The afternoon was wrapped up after an energetic game of musical chairs.
Tell her I said Happy Birthday!! Looks like it was a fun day!