Our Whirlwind Birthday Season is upon us once again. It started with B, turning 23 this year. WOW! My aunt always told me that when she heard how old I was made her realize how old she was. (But you are still young in my book, Aunt R!)When I hear the ages of my own, I find myself thinking “I’m not THAT old, am I?” With B living in another city, his birthday is covered with a card and gift certificate in the mail (have you picked up your coffee grinder, yet, B?)
Then came my birthday – my children still tell me I’m young, so I won’t go into how old I am (wink), but I’m focusing on not-so-little-N, who celebrated his 5th birthday last week.

His request was a Spotted Dog Birthday Cake. C came up with the idea of a Fire Engine and Dalmation. I could handle the fire engine, but opted for a plastic dog to top it off. He was thrilled. He was also quite impressed that Aunt L's gift to him (unknowingly) was a really cool rescue vehicle set, complete with a fire engine!

It was fun to reminisce, going through the photos of his Birth Day (gotta love those digital photo slideshows!) N was amazed at how small he was. Well, I informed that he was NOT small, weighing in at 9 ½ pounds. He wasn’t convinced. He was also fascinated by his hands. Because he was born breech, his hands took on that healthy pink color more slowly than the rest of him. In his very first pictures, at just a few minutes old, his hands were still a bit bluish next to his pudgy, pink cheeks. He looked down at his 5-year-old hands and was very glad to see them pink and plump.
This boy approaches life head-on. He has learned to read this year, mostly on his own. Once he decides he can do something, he’s usually right – he finds a way to do it! He really lives things up around here, a real joy and blessing.
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