As the cold weather gets ready to settle in, I find myself reliving memories from warmer days. One of our road trips this summer took us south, to Arkansas, to attend the wedding of the oldest son of dear friends of ours.
Their son Brock and our son Brent have been friends since before they were born - it brings us lots of joy to see them each marrying Godly young ladies. Both of the 'boys' have turned out all right, if I do say so myself.

The wedding was lovely. It was fun to see a few familiar faces and getting the opportunity to meet a few new ones. Brent was a groomsman, happy to step in and return the favor (Brock was best man at Brent and Melissa's wedding). Gabriel was the ring bearer.

I don't think a boy has ever taken that honor so seriously, or done such a fine job! Gabe even stood through the whole ceremony, not once thinking about shirking his post.

Weddings always take me back to my own wedding day. And remind me how young we were, and how mature we THOUGHT we were! I love having my brood around me - they like to tell me I'm still young - and I choose to believe them!

(ok, so we look a little tired, maybe a little older? well, it was the end of a very full weekend)
I'm posting just a few candid shots here, 'cause I know most of you checking in like to see the family.

(Luke and Caitlin, the two oldest at home. We sure do have a good lookin' batch of young'ns, don't we?)

(Now, our littles are not so little, but they all agree -- you can never have too many big sisters -- they are very happy Melissa has joined our family)