No, I am not going to be blogging daily about my de-slobification process (I don't think I could take the blow to my ego for all the failing I see in my future) - but I do want to join in a couple of link-ups that she has participated in (well, once I figure out how to link-up). One being Menu Plan Monday from Most months, I do have a monthly menu plan, but it does vary a bit from week to week, and so I think this will help me focus in on what's coming up each new week.

This week our menu will be:
b'fast - breakfast burritos
lunch - tuna salad
supper - tacos
b'fast - oatmeal
lunch - mac n' cheese
supper - crockpot chicken
b'fast - cereal
lunch - Mom's chicken soup
supper - lasagne
b'fast - toast (made from mom's whole wheat bread)
lunch - quesadillas
supper - date night, big brother and sister are in charge of tonight's meal for the kiddos
b'fast - egg casserole
lunch - sandwiches
supper - pizza night
b'fast - pancakes
lunch - leftovers
supper - Luke's grilling burgers and dogs
b'fast - bagels
dinner - this may be Caitlin's b'day meal (which will be meat, potatoes and corn), since her actual birthday will be a bit crazy with a trip to the airport
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