I’m sitting down with my ice coffee and special Milano cookies (Mama’s Treat!), the younger ones are playing out front (I think they’ve discovered a caterpillar), C is baking a cake (she’s marketing a new, Fall Harvest cake), and L is out moving hay bales. I love this Autumn weather – it really does rejuvenate me!
I had trouble posting here last week, so I’ll give you a run down of some of our recent activities:
School –
Everyone is doing great in their schooling. C and L have been doing a literature study with another family – everyone is reading The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis and then going through a study guide geared to high school students. It’s been a great study for the students and their Moms!
E and G are flying through their math books – we’ve been working through some measuring, shapes, measuring, volumes, temperatures, fractions etc. It’s a lot of fun – moving on to some tougher things next week. They are both improving in their reading skills and really love to sit down with a good book. E especially enjoys copywork and G is a whiz with numbers.
N is amazing me – he’s actually teaching himself to read! I rented a phonics dvd from an online service (some friends recommended them) -- the little guys watched the first one once a day for a week, I sent it back and the next week rented the next one. They watched it once a day for a week. A few days later, he sat down with a pad of paper and pencil while I was doing reading lesson with the others and pretty soon he comes running up “Look Mom! Read this!” bat, bad, cat, dad, God were written on his paper. I asked him if he knew what they said – ‘yup’ He read them to me. I asked if he had written them -- ‘yup’ The grin stretched across his face told me he was telling the truth. This boy has not been interested in anything academic to this point. WooHoo!
I spent my one afternoon a week volunteering at a nearby
On Thursday, the R____ family joined us for school work. We are trying a co-op sort of idea this year. Twice a month we get together and ‘do school’, each working on their usual assignments. Mrs R will do a little board work with the younger ones, the older ones work mostly on their own subjects. Then we have our literature discussion over our ‘brown bag’ lunches. It’s been fun, and motivational!
Field Trip –
We spent one day last week with another family visiting some of the museums at the University. Great Day! We had a fantastic tour of the
Then on to the Library (you can see me below giving the 'be quiet, use inside voices, no running' talk in the picture). We made a quick viewing of an exhibit featuring political cartoons – very interesting, a great history lesson. We happened upon this while looking for the Rare Book Room
– the flyer said they had an exhibit showing the history of printing and the art of printing, featuring some antique books and papers, including pages from a Gutenburg Bible.
Apparently not many visit this particular exhibit, because we had many (including security and dept heads) leading us to all different wings of the library! Well, when we finally arrived, the supervisor of the Rare Books Collection had to pick her jaw up off the floor, her eyes nearly popping out of her head as she looked down the hall to see our 2 families, which included 4 adults and 14 children!
Now we find out there is no exhibit, really. They do have these things, but most are stored away. Apparently few people just show up and ask to have a look-see.
They very graciously welcomed us in, cleared the table and brought out some really neat stuff for us. We saw actual Babylonian Tablets, that mention King Nebuchadnezzar, sticks of papyrus and an explanation on how they made and used papyrus, a family bible from early 1800’s, and a book with gilded edges – which was spectacular, because when you opened the cover and shifted the edges of the pages, a beautiful handpainted scene appeared right before your eyes. A great day was had by all!
There’ll be a wedding here on the farm soon – Uncle M is marrying J in less than 2 weeks and so everyone is bustling about making the farm look its best. We’ve been doing some cleaning up and fixing up and general beautification around our place. Dad finished his rock wall – it looks very nice. I’ll post some pics in my next entry.
The big seasonal switch over – I have the little girls clothes changed over to winter, finishing up the little boys. My they do grow fast! I must admit, it is nice that I don’t have to do it for the older ones anymore.
We also canned 10 quarts of pears and 6 quarts of apple sauce.
Now, if you’ve read this far ---- Congratulations! And Thank You! for sticking with me! I know this post has been long, but I really wanted to catch up a bit.
Have a wonderful week, and enjoy this season the Lord has given us!