One of our family traditions is the Family Birthday Weiner R
oast. To celebrate a family member’s birthday, Grandma stokes up a bonfire in one of the nearby pastures and everyone gathers to roast hotdogs and fill up on Aunt L’s famous baked beans and other traditional cookout goodies (like S’mores!) Sometimes we are near a pond and some will go fishing, always there’s a little cow pie dodging going on (he, he, he). And we wind up the evening at Grandma and Grandpa’s place for cake and ice cream.

With the children growing up and beginning to leave home, we haven’t been able to gather as often as we used to. But with Uncle M getting married next month, J is joining the family and so last week we started up the fire in honor of her birthday. A good time was had by all – weather was perfect (though the ground was a little soggy). G’ma made the ice cream, but C made the birthday cake.
It was really nice to enjoy our family tradition again. I wonder if the young people will carry on when us old ones aren’t able to. Which of our traditions will they keep up? What new traditions will they begin on their own?

So, anyone wanna come visit? We may just throw a Weiner Roast in your honor!
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